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7 Daily Habits


Without some activity every day your muscles start to close up shop. Sitting in the workplace every day literally starts your nervous system shutting down big muscle groups for lack of use. That kind of imbalance can lead to soreness, stiffness, injury, lack of energy, even illness. When you move, your whole system lights up. You feel strong, alive, energized, and ready to take on anything. Your confidence is boosted and you see the world in a whole new light.


Mobility - Powered by ROMWOD.COM

We are born with an innate ability to move—look how “bendy” any two-year-old is. As your mobility declines, muscles shorten and joints become stiff. Because our bodies are efficient, they shut down the areas that become unused. This leads to stiffness and pain in a downward spiral that gets worse with age. Developing a daily habit around consistent mobility gives you the ability to reshape your movement over the long term. We’re all aware of the effect of a lack of action in this area. By paying attention to your body’s mobility now, you give your “future you” a shot at being agile, mobile, and fluid.


As soon as you start making healthy choices, everything changes. You feel light, rather than bloated. You feel clean and full of energy. You are proud of and satisfied with your choices. We know that there is no one-size-fits-all nutrition program so we have designed a challenge that will accomodate your nutrition style.The KickStart Challenge is designed to accommodate any nutritional philosophy or dietary needs. After you sign up, you will be sent a short consultation questionnaire.  Once your coach receives your answers, they will design a complete meal plan customized for you and your goals. The KickStart Challenge gives you a structured and measurable way to adopt food choices that give you the energy and enthusiasm to take on life the way you want to.

Learn More about our Meal Plans



Each day, players will need to activate POWER-UPS based on 7 foundational habits designed specifically to help you develop physical, mental, social, and emotional resiliance.  We are confident that our game will dramatically improve your health and your ability to successfully tackle any problem you're facing.  Don't miss out - sign up!

More about the POWER-UPS



As a culture, we don’t drink enough water, and no fluid is more important to your body than pure, clean water. Proper hydration is responsible for a host of benefits aside from not feeling thirsty and proper function. You feel fresh, you’re not as hungry, and your skin appears brighter. People can literally see in your face how hydrated your body is! Your choice in this habit isn’t about getting the “perfect” amount of water. It is about turning your awareness toward the choices you make and the habits you form.


Being sleep deficient is almost a given in today’s world. Without a full night’s sleep, you’re likely suffering in several areas of health and wellbeing. By taking on sleep, not to perfect it, but to improve it, you can begin to chip away at the small area around it. It affects not just your physical state, but your mood and thoughts as well. You will choose an amount of sleep that represents an improvement over what you’re currently getting. There is no magic pill for health and wellbeing, but if there was it might likely be sleep. You can’t do without it and it has a global impact on your system. And small, incremental adjustments to your habits may be enough to go from good to great.


If you could get all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you needed from your daily food intake, we would do away with this habit. Yet, in today’s world, it is very difficult for most of us to do this. Supplements fill in the gaps. They eliminate the deficiencies caused by modern lifestyle, bolster immune systems, and catapult an athlete’s performance. Proper nutrient balance affects the function of every system in your body. As one of the 7 Daily Habits, we call for all participants to take a dietary supplement that they believe will make a positive difference in their life when taken daily. Supplements are no replacement for healthy eating habits. But small, managed adjustments to your nutrition through supplements can make the difference between good and great.

Lifestyle Quests

Our experience of life is not made up only of nutrition and exercise habits. Adopting simple practices—slowing down, mindfulness, clearing clutter, performing acts of kindness—can have a profound affect on your health and well-being. Taking moments to appreciate your life exactly as it is now is as important as planning for well-being in the future. We ask you focus on what might fulfill you by introducing practices that ask you to intentionally participate in activities that can elevate your satisfaction. The practices are designed to help you understand that no matter what you want, your life takes practice. It’s a jungle out there. Without any focus on the intangible aspects of our lives—connection to others, an ability to be present in the moment, our experience of fulfillment—we can get trapped in a race to an unattainable finish line at a pace that only increases as time goes on.

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