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How It Works

When we play a game, we tackle tough challenges with more creativity, more determination, more optimism, and we're more likely to reach out to others for help. Our plan is to bring these traits to this real-life challenge, so we have created an awesome wellness based game called KickStart.

Get in the Game

Sign up and invite your friends, family and co-workers to play with you! This Challenge is all about creating healthy habits within an environment of support that can last long after the Challenge ends.


Get Started

After you have signed up you will receive a KickStart toolkit with complete game rules along with full online access to our "Game Suite" powered by Trainerize and Evolution Nutrition which includes everything you need to dominate this game. Our tools will help with easy mobile friendly access to a completely personalized experience.


Measure Yourself

Get together with your coach or teammates to take pre-Challenge fitness & body measurements. You’ll want to know where you started so you can say where you’re headed!



Embrace New Habits

For 28 days, score points make conscious choices around the 7 Daily Habits. Raising your awareness and being consistent, even in small ways, adds up to huge rewards. Score bonus points each day by completing our daily "Quests" that reach out beyond the world of fitness and nutrition to help you achieve optimal mental health.


Focus on Action

Check-in to TRAINERIZE each day to record your score and connect with your COACH. Your keys to victory lie in accountability, support, and honest reflection. At the core of our game is a powerful coaching platform that connects you to your personal game coach who will help you unleash your heroic potential, so that together we can become better humans.


Measure Your Results

Upon completion of the 28 days, you will repeat your pre-Challenge measurements and photos. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel and perform after four weeks of focused effort and teamwork!


Celebrate Your Achievements

Celebrate your achievements! When you complete the Challenge you may not even recognize yourself anymore. How you look, feel, and live your life are now completely designed by you!  Oh yea - and you just might have won some really cool prizes. 



Your food choices have the single greatest impact on your health, well-being, and community. When you make choices that keep you healthy, you give yourself the fuel to fulfill all of who you are.


Humans are designed to move daily. Whether through workouts, activity, or simply enjoying the full use of your body, daily movement keeps you healthy and vital.


In a sedentary world, our bodies get stuck. Daily mobility and stretching helps you move the way nature intended and continue enjoying freedom of movement into your later years.

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Modern schedules tend to dictate how many hours of sleep we’re entitled to. A practice of increasing that time, even by a little bit, can make big strides in robust health.



More than anything, your body is made of water. This habit ensures that your body gets enough of its most basic resources for life.



 In today’s world, it is very difficult for most of us to do this. Supplements eliminate the deficiencies, bolster immune systems, and catapult performance.










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